Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Dead Man's Hand

"Reminds You Of A 1980's Western Commedy"

Now first off. This game is not the worst FPS out there but yet again it is not close to being the best. You will find while playing the game there are very little rewards besides getting gun upgrades when you beat certain levels. The game itself is fun while playing it there is not much replay value after you finish it. The online mode is fun but the downfall of that is that you can easily use a code and no one will ever know, so you may be shooting at this one person from behind for 5 min and not hurt him a bit but soon as he turns around that first shot of his will kill you. This game could though allow you many hours of fun LAN with friends. The levels are small but good, the simplicity of it makes it feel too much though like a small Unreal Map instead of a strategy shooter style maps I fell it really needs to get over in the multi player department.


This games graphics are not that much better that the old game outlaws which in fact story wise seems very similar. This game will easily be supported by many low MB video cards which is not a bad thing because gameplay is all that matters not graphics.


This it does fine with just like any other FPS you can't fall too far from the tree in the same genre.


It is very much lacking in this category since it has no story at all. So don't expect movie dramatics or plot twist at all in this game. There is no cut scenes in which to progress the story, no text even it just shows you a brief history of the person you are after before you start a level. It goes by the simple one level then a boss technique they used on the old Sonic games and that does not work with a FPS.

Fun Factor

All in all I do give this game a 6/10 in fun just because before you beat it, it's very entertaining but don't plan on playing it much after you beat it for good gameplay. It seems all that harder modes do is just make you enemy's shots more powerful instead of making them smarter.

My Final Verdict

Just go try the trial if you don't like it enough where you can beat the first level and play it over and over and not get board that you should buy it but for the most of us I believe will just have to wait for a better Western FPS

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